Every week, I pull a few tarot cards to offer guidance on the path to your soul purpose. The cards in these posts offer quick and general guidance for the week. For a detailed reading with personal guidance on the path to your soul purpose, you can purchase a tarot reading on the site. Thank you for reading, and I hope this helps guide your path. Much love and blessings!
The Lovers reversed show that you have been partnering with yourself for your highest good. You’ve been making wonderful inner progress that is now translating to outer progress in your life. Great job!
The Queen of Pentacles tells us that our inner partnership and the decisions that we’re making for ourselves have led to us creating some beautiful changes in our lives. These changes are helping us live a more comfortable and fulfilling life. This week, see the benefits that your efforts are having in your physical world. What have your decisions allowed you to create in your life?
From here, the Ace of Swords reversed heralds a new beginning in the mental realm – we will generate some new ideas to keep this beneficial trend going.
Enjoy your new inner partnership, enjoy the physical benefits this inner partnership has created in your life, and capitalize on this progress to continue making the decisions that are for your highest good.
Some new ideas are coming! Keep it up!
Love and blessings! ?
Fox Woman