weekly online soul purpose tarot reading: 5 of Wands reversed, 6 of Pentacles and Knight of Wands

Weekly Online Soul Purpose Tarot Reading: Remember How Your Goals Help Others

Every week, I pull a few tarot cards to offer guidance on the path to your soul purpose. The cards in these posts offer quick and general guidance for the week. For a detailed reading with personal guidance on the path to your soul purpose, you can purchase a tarot reading on the site. Thank you for reading, and I hope this helps guide your path. Much love and blessings!

As we see in the 5 of Wands reversed, you have experienced some inner conflict over whether you should continue to pursue some of your goals and/or how to move forward.

The 6 of Pentacles shows that you can stay on track with your goals by being generous with others. Remember how your goals allow you to help others. Maybe one of your goals will help a family member or friend while another might help strangers who come to you seeking support. Part of your reason for pursuing your goals is because they will make you happy and they align with your spirit, but sometimes our goals are scary so we might feel that inner conflict and question if we should continue. The 6 of Pentacles here is telling us to reinforce our beliefs in our goals by thinking about how our goals benefit others and also how others have helped us achieve our goals so far.

When we remember how our goals impact others and think of how others have helped us on our path so far, we reignite our passion for those goals. This is where the Knight of Wands comes charging into the reading. Remember why you are pursuing these goals: who you are helping and how this helps you. When you do, you will reinvigorate yourself and know that you’re on the right path. You will charge ahead to accomplish your goals with passion, drive and determination. You will no longer question your goals or how to achieve them. You will charge full speed ahead!

When you start to question yourself this week, remember how your goals help others and all self doubt will drop away as you charge confidently toward your goals.

Love and blessings! ?

Fox Woman

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