daily online tarot reading cards: The Emperor, The Tower reversed, King of Wands

Daily Online Tarot Reading: It’s Time for Transformation

Every week, I pull a few tarot cards to offer guidance on the path to your soul purpose. The cards in these posts offer quick and general guidance for the week. For a detailed reading with personal guidance on the path to your soul purpose, you can purchase a tarot reading on the site. Thank you for reading, and I hope this helps guide your path. Much love and blessings!

This was the weekend tarot reading that I share each week exclusively to my Fox Den newsletter subscribers, but with the challenges we’re all facing right now, I felt called to share this week’s reading with everyone who needs it. I hope it helps. Blessings.

The Emperor tells me that you’ve been holding it together all week. You’ve been The Emperor of your life, keeping everything organized and in order. That’s what you have to do, and you’ve done it. Amazing work!

However, holding it together like that when things are tough can take a toll. Outside, you’re the calm Emperor, but inside you feel more like The Tower reversed right now – inner turmoil. This is normal. How you present on the outside is at odds with how you feel inside.

You might feel like everything is falling apart inside. Maybe this outer-Emperor, inner-Tower survival method worked in the past, but the global pandemic has exacerbated the problem. You cannot continue to ignore how you feel inside. That’s being too harsh on yourself and is not sustainable.

The Tower seems traumatic, but it brings with it a life-changing transformation. I love to share the Charles West quote that Paul Quinn includes with his description of The Tower card in his book Tarot for Life: We turn to God for help when our foundations are shaking, only to learn it is God who is shaking them. (Honestly, I tear up every time I read that quote because is has such an impact on my life.)

This shakeup that tears down your carefully crafted walls will let the light in, and you will emerge the King of Wands. See how rigidly The Emperor sits in his seat? There is no room for flexibility in that scene.

When we move through the transformation of The Tower, we arrive at the compassionate and adaptable King of Wands. He leans toward The Tower, ready to embrace its lessons and take action.

The King is ready for shakeups because he’s just as compassionate with himself as he is with others. You can adapt and grow from this transformative experience. What is the Divine message that this experience opens you up to receive? How can you take some time this week to use this experience to transform into the King of Wands?

OK, whew! I know this is a heavy reading, so please take care of yourselves. You deserve some downtime and self care. Much love to you! 

Love and blessings! ?

Fox Woman

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