weekly online soul purpose tarot reading cards: Ace of Pentacles, The Hanged Man, 8 of Pentacles

Weekly Online Soul Purpose Tarot Reading: Understand and Practice the Gift the Universe has Given You

Every week, I pull a few tarot cards to offer guidance on the path to your soul purpose. The cards in these posts offer quick and general guidance for the week. For a detailed reading with personal guidance on the path to your soul purpose, you can purchase a tarot reading on the site. Thank you for reading, and I hope this helps guide your path. Much love and blessings!

The Universe has given you a gift, as we see in the Ace of Pentacles.

Now, it’s time to look at that gift from a new perspective and from all angles. We see the pentacle gift from the Ace as a halo around The Hanged Man’s head in the center card.

Take your time understanding your gift. There’s no rush.

When you’re ready, it will be time to practice your gift, as we see in the 8 of Pentacles at the end. Here, we have gone from receiving the gift to duplicating it multiple times for joy and possibly to sell as a trade.

The Universe is telling you it’s OK to monetize your gift. It is part of your soul purpose, and you were meant to share your gift with others because they need it. The key is understanding, and practice makes perfect.

You are a constant student of your gift. This is not a solely linear process. Even after you’ve practiced, you will continue to receive from the Universe and to build on your understanding.

This week, accept that you have a gift given to you from the Universe, take the time to understand that gift and, when you’re ready, practice it. Experience the joy of your gift and take pride in perfecting it.

This is a wonderful week for progress on the path to your soul purpose!

Love and blessings! ?

Fox Woman

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