daily online tarot reading cards: The High Priestess, Knight of Pentacles reversed, Page of Swords reversed

Daily Online Tarot Reading: Use Intuition to Guide Business Goals

Every week, I pull a few tarot cards to offer guidance on the path to your soul purpose. The cards in these posts offer quick and general guidance for the week. For a detailed reading with personal guidance on the path to your soul purpose, you can purchase a tarot reading on the site. Thank you for reading, and I hope this helps guide your path. Much love and blessings!

If you’re just starting a business or are ruminating on the possibility of starting a business, setting goals can seem overwhelming.

The High Priestess here tells us that it’s OK to use our intuition to set business goals at first.

The Knight of Pentacles reversed shows our practical, get-down-to-business knight looking to the High Priestess for guidance. It’s OK for your business guidance to come from your higher self.

What feels right for you? Setting intuitive goals simplifies the process of getting started.

Once you have some intuitive revenue projections in mind, you can start to generate ideas for your business that align with those goals. You’ll be ready to pick up that sword like our Page of Swords friend and embark on your new business adventure.

I know this isn’t what most of the business advice out there tells you, but you have to start somewhere.

Go within to find the goals that feel right for you and your business and plan around those. Then, come back to them and refine them down the road as you learn and grow.

Love and blessings! 💖

Fox Woman

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