image of The Empress, The Devil and The Moon cards in Fox Woman Way's daily online tarot reading blog post about joy and abundance

Daily Online Tarot Reading: How to Achieve Joy and Abundance

Every week, I pull a few tarot cards to offer guidance on the path to your soul purpose. The cards in these posts offer quick and general guidance for the week. For a detailed reading with personal guidance on the path to your soul purpose, you can purchase a tarot reading on the site. Thank you for reading, and I hope this helps guide your path. Much love and blessings!

Today, I pulled The Empress, The Devil and The Moon for our daily online tarot reading.

This is a wonderful message that tells us that to achieve joy, abundance and fulfillment, we must understand our emotions in order to overcome our fears.

The Empress represents our potential joy and abundance in life. Often, what prevents us from achieving this joy is being chained to our fears (The Devil in this reading.) 

The Moon represents emotional confusion. We must clarify our emotions so we know what’s blocking us from achieving our goals. Sure, sometimes our blocks are outside of our control – traffic anyone? But most of the time, our major blocks are the ones that we create for ourselves.

Our fears often keep us from being happy. They might stop us from pursuing our goals in the first place.

If you’re unhappy with some area of your life, ask yourself what you’re afraid of. Fear is the opposite of love. See The Empress welcoming you to her splendid garden? Join her! Look at your fears through the lense of self love and be gentle with yourself while you clear these fears that block your path.

As each fear comes up, note it down and honor it. Thank it for trying to keep you safe, but assure it that you will be OK. Release that fear through visualization and put love in its place.

Gain clarity of your emotions, unchain yourself from your devilish fears, and enter the abundant garden of The Empress that you deserve! Your beautiful life awaits!

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Thank you for reading, and I hope it helped!

Much love and blessings,


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