daily online tarot reading cards: 9 of Swords reversed, 9 of Cups, Knight of Swords reversed

Daily Online Soul Purpose Tarot Reading: After Worry, Focus on Your Own Happiness to Get Your Wish

Every week, I pull a few tarot cards to offer guidance on the path to your soul purpose. The cards in these posts offer quick and general guidance for the week. For a detailed reading with personal guidance on the path to your soul purpose, you can purchase a tarot reading on the site. Thank you for reading, and I hope this helps guide your path. Much love and blessings!

The 9 of Swords reversed shows that you have been worrying about something on the path to your soul purpose, but the 9 of Cups shows that today you will get your wish.

Focus on what will make you happy today, and the Knight of Swords reversed shows that you will know exactly what to do to get what you want.

You may feel scared and alone right now, but how can you use your current circumstances to your advantage?

For example, I feel really sick today, which has me worrying about if I can do my best work. When I focus on my happiness, I’ve adapted by moving my laptop and supplies onto my bed and am working in a cozy robe. Making myself as happy and comfortable as possible will help me do my best work.

Apparently, as an extension of myself, my website is also down at the moment. Thanks, Mercury Retrograde! I usually like to get things done myself, so I started to dive into it, but then remembered today’s reading and contacted web support. It turns out, there’s a whole post about what’s going on that’s affecting all customers. They’re going to let me know when it’s all set. Now I’m glad I didn’t dive too far down the troubleshooting rabbit hole myself! If troubleshooting web issues doesn’t delight you, ask a professional for help.

Also, if you’re worried or not feeling well, tell someone who cares about you. I told my husband I wasn’t feeling well but had to get some work done today, and he surprised me with a cup of blackberry cinnamon tea while I was writing this!

This is a wish-come-true kinda day, so release some wishes out there and see what happens. Listen to your higher guidance when those ideas start rolling in!

When you bring love to your problem, your higher self takes over and the ideas start flowing!

Love and blessings! ?

Fox Woman

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