Every week, I pull a few tarot cards to offer guidance on the path to your soul purpose. The cards in these posts offer quick and general guidance for the week. For a detailed reading with personal guidance on the path to your soul purpose, you can purchase a tarot reading on the site. Thank you for reading, and I hope this helps guide your path. Much love and blessings!
The 4 of Wands reversed shows that you have felt inner joy recently on the path to your purpose, but The Devil shows that you might doubt yourself or be battling inner demons.
The advice here is to remember the joy when you’re feeling down. Battle harmful thoughts and feelings with the delightful memories and feelings that you get when doing what you love.
Remember what makes you feel better when you’re feeling sad, angry and depressed.
The King of Swords reversed shows that you are the master of your own mind. Your mind doesn’t control you. You can overcome these harmful thoughts and feelings. They will help strengthen your mind. It’s healthy to feel your emotions, but you don’t have to be stuck in that painful spot forever.
Remember, you are in control of your inner world.
Love and blessings! 💖
Fox Woman