This image shows today's daily online tarot reading cards: the 4 of Cups, the 7 of Swords and the 3 of Pentacles

Daily Online Tarot Reading: Recognizing Your Life Purpose

Every week, I pull a few tarot cards to offer guidance on the path to your soul purpose. The cards in these posts offer quick and general guidance for the week. For a detailed reading with personal guidance on the path to your soul purpose, you can purchase a tarot reading on the site. Thank you for reading, and I hope this helps guide your path. Much love and blessings!

Do you feel like you’re tiptoeing around your current work colleagues because you’re unhappy with your job and possibly your whole career?

Does going to your job every day feel like lugging seven swords around with your bare hands?

I know the feeling! I’m familiar with feeling like an outsider at work while everyone else seems super happy and engaged.

I remember it feeling painful to go in every day drained and feeling like something was missing.

If that’s how you feel, listen to that feeling – because something is missing.

Our 7 of Swords guy is onto a new scheme. He’s tiptoeing away from his old job and career – taking some of the skills he’s picked up along the way – to finally recognize the beautiful gift that the universe is trying to give him.

Our 4 of Cups friend hasn’t yet recognized his gift from the universe. Have you recognized yours?

What is your gift that you’re supposed to share with the world?

Our 4 of Cups guy has gotten so closed off due to unhappiness that he literally sits with arms crossed over his heart center, blocking his gifts from entering.

It’s understandable. He’s unsatisfied with where his life has gone so far. He has collected some cups (skills and blessings) along the way and just needs to see that last missing cup from the universe to complete his journey to happiness.

He probably can’t see it because it’s been there with him his whole life. Maybe it was a passion from childhood that he set aside to join “the real world.”

You also have a gift within you that’s ready to shine.

Try sitting in meditation with arms and heart open to the universe. Feel yourself relax and expand to accept the gifts being offered in order to gain clarity on your path.

You have a gift that will bring such joy to your life and enthusiasm for life that you will leap out of bed every day excited to get to work.

I know because that happened for me when I took the skills from my journalism, marketing and crisis counseling careers, added them to my lifelong tarot skills and started my own business. I never thought I could feel so good about going to work every day. I excitedly get out of bed early no matter how late I work – and I do this because I WANT to work! I never thought I could feel this way. Maybe you think you’ll never feel this way, but you can!

There is hope. You can live the happy life that you’ve always dreamed of and that you’re supposed to live once you’re able to recognize your purpose in order to take action.

What gift do you have for the world?

Love and blessings! 💖

Fox Woman

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